TV newsman and entrepreneur Marc Bator
Marc Bator has been a Satellite Office customer for nine years. From the company address to the office facing the inner courtyard to the beautiful, bright three-bedroom office – the TV entrepreneur knows Haus Cumberland in Berlin like the back of his hand. Now he is changing perspective and becoming a member of Satellite Office’s Customer Advisory Board. A forum where CEO Anita Gödiker regularly discusses current issues concerning the company and presents important expansion steps in advance. So that she does not have to make decisions alone in her ivory tower, the input of this high-caliber group is particularly important to her.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Sie sind neues Mitglied des Beirats bei Satellite Office! What motivated you to accept the advisory board mandate at Satellite Office?
Marc Bator: I didn’t have to think about it for long, at least not in terms of content. I am very much behind Satellite Office and its product. With the opportunity to help shape something on the advisory board, I would like to contribute to brand and company development. As someone who has started a business myself, I know how important a strong brand and a clear vision are to the success of a company. I am convinced that a good brand not only makes a promise, but also keeps the promise. Another issue that interests me as an advisory board member at Satellite Office is the growth of the company. The company has enormous potential. However, the right steps must also be taken for this. Digital transformation has ushered in a new era of work models, and it’s important that we adapt to these changes and remain agile to stay competitive.”
Taking a closer look at brand, what do you think is important for Satellite Office now?
Marc Bator: A good brand awakens desire and impulses to buy. We should be visionary to foresee what customers want. At a time when change is the only constant, we need to focus on the needs of people who crave maximum quality of life, including in the workplace. For me, an important part of the Satellite Office brand, in addition to the high quality in equipment and real estate, are the people – both the customers and the employees. It is important that we continue to focus on developing a strong community and positive corporate spirit that will enable us to thrive in times of change. By the way, I would love to see a resurgence of the small networking events in the locations we knew at Satellite Office before Corona! I am also a big supporter of Satellite Office’s internationality and believe it is important to expand our presence in different cities and countries. As a member of the Advisory Board, I will work to ensure that the company can continue to offer its customers the best possible jobs and services – at as many locations around the world as possible.”
The world of work is constantly changing, and Satellite Office is right in the middle of it. What is your personal experience of this?
Marc Bator: “I believe that the future of the workplace is to create an environment where everyone is able to develop their skills and strengths while working in a supportive and collaborative environment. An environment that allows entrepreneurs to focus on what matters most and to fully leverage their creativity and innovation. Starting my own business, a cycling management and marketing agency, has been an exciting and challenging experience. But for me it was not only a change on a personal level, but also a time of upheaval in the business world. Digital transformation and new working models have revolutionized the market. It’s a matter of turning ideas and – in my case, childhood dreams – into reality in this rapidly changing landscape. At Satellite Office, I’ve found the space and atmosphere to do just that.”
New Work, where are we headed from your point of view?
Marc Bator: “The journey of designing our workplaces is far from over! On the contrary, there are always new ways in which we can improve and adapt our working environment to foster an innovative way of working and culture! With my advisory board mandate, I would like to share in Anita Gödiker’s pioneering spirit and contribute to keeping the company agile and evolving. The desire for premium performance is stronger than ever in a world that is constantly changing. We live in a time where everything revolves around flexibility and adaptability. We work more intensely than ever before, even if we have a 4-day week. Our work time has become life time, and many of us have a desire for quality of life and therefore quality of work.”
Your favorite place to work at Satellite Office?
Marc Bator: “Definitely the roof terrace at Haus Cumberland! The view over the city and the location can’t be beat. I’ve already been here with athletes and important business partners, really use it a lot. In terms of interior, the Satellite Office on Ballindamm in Hamburg – my old home – is my favorite. But the bottom line is that it’s the people at Satellite Office who make my workplace so livable and inspire me every day. They offer a sense of belonging. This spirit is why Satellite Office builds such strong bonds with its customers and ultimately makes all of its locations favorite places to work.”
Thank you for the great interview and good luck as a member of the advisory board and of course with your company TEAMVISION sports – the leading agency for management and marketing in cycling in Germany.